17.00-18.00 Pre-Registration on Site
19.00 Meet-the-Speakers Dinner (invitation only)
8.00 Registration / Welcome Coffee
9.00-9.15 Opening and Welcome Addresses
Jürg Gertsch & Rudolf Brenneisen, Conference Chairs
Representative of Rectorate University of Bern
Petra Baeriswy, Swiss Federal Office of Public Health
9.15-10.45 Session 1 Endocannabinoid System and Pharmacology (Chair Jürg Gertsch)
L-1 The Day Anandamide Almost Died and Other Endocannabinoid Stories
Daniele Piomelli, University of California Irvine, USA
L-2 Endocannabinoidome Signaling: From Gut to Brain and Across Different Kingdoms, and Intersections with Plant Cannabinoids
Vincenzo di Marzo, Université Laval, Quebec, Canada & Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, C.N.R. Italy
L-3 Cannabinoid and Stress – Mechanistic Aspects
Beat Lutz, University of Mainz, Germany
10.45-11.45 Coffee Break, Poster Viewing, Visit the Exhibition, Networking
11.45-13.00 Session 2 From Cannabis to Effects and Medicines (Chair Matthias Hamburger)
L-4 50 Years of Phytochemistry and Analytics
Mahmoud ElSohly, University of Mississippi, Oxford, USA
L-5 Personalized Cannabis Medicines – What is the Evidence?
Guillermo Moreno-Sanz, Khiron Europe, Spain
L-6 Sites and Mechanisms Underlying Cannabinoid-Induced Antinociception
David Finn, University of Galway, Ireland
13.00-13.30 Panel 1
L-1 to L-6 Ask the experts - panel discussion (Chairs Jürg Gertsch & Matthias Hamburger)
13.30-14.30 Lunch Break, Poster Viewing, Visit the Exhibition, Networking
14.30-15.30 Session 3 Cannabis-based Medicines (CBMs) in a Clinical Setting (Chair Reto Agosti)
L-7 CBMs in Pain Disorders – What is the Evidence?
Matthias Karst, Hannover Medical School, Germany
L-8 Cannabinoids for Neurodegeneration - Fact or Fiction?
Markus Weber, Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen, Switzerland
L-9 CBMs in Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders
Patrik Roser, University Hospital of Psychiatry Zürich, Switzerland
15.30-16.30 Session 4 Cannabinoids Between Research and Therapeutic Applications (Chair Rudolf Brenneisen)
L-10 Cannabinoid-based Therapies for Treating Metabolic Diseases
Yossi Tam, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
L-11 The Value of Real-World Evidence in Cannabis Therapies
Anne Katrin Schlag, Drug Science & Imperial College London, UK
L-12 The Use of Tetrahydrocannabinol in Palliative Cancer Patients
Thomas Herdegen, University Clinics of Kiel, Germany
16.30-17.00 Panel 2
L-7 to L-12 Ask the experts - panel discussion (Chairs Reto Agosti & Rudolf Brenneisen)
17.00-18.00 Coffee Break, Poster Viewing, Visit the Exhibition, Networking
18.00-19.00 Session 5 Towards Evidence-Based Cannabis Medicines, Opportunities and Risks I (Chair Claude Vaney)
L-13 CBMs in Sleep Disorders
Kirsten Müller-Vahl, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Germany
L-14 Medical Cannabis for Behavioral Symptoms in Patients with Severe Dementia: The MedCanDem Study
Federica Bianchi, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland
L-15 Cannabis in Pain Treatment : The Challenge between Science and Clinical Evidence
Thomas R. Tölle, Technische Universität München, Germany
19.00-19.30 Panel 3
L-13 to L-15 Ask the experts - panel discussion (Chair Claude Vaney)
8.30 Registration / Welcome Coffee
9.00-10.00 Session 6 Towards Evidence-Based Cannabis Medicines, Opportunities and Risks II (Chair Simon Nicolussi)
L-16 Cannabinoid Drug-Drug Interactions
Kent E. Vrana, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Hershey, USA
L-17 Risks of Cannabis-based Medicine
Margaret Haney, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, USA
L-18 Challenges and Opportunities of Cannabis e-Cigarettes (e-Joints)
Reto Auer, University of Bern, Switzerland
10.00-10.30 Panel 4
L-16 to L-18 Ask the experts - panel discussion (Chair Simon Nicolussi)
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break, Poster Viewing, Visit the Exhibition, Networking
11.00-12.30 Session 7 Short Presentations of Various Topics (Chair Federica Bianchi)
L-19 SOP I: MEMORY & Research within the Florida Medical Marijuana Consortium
Almut Winterstein, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
L-20 SOP II: tba
L-21 SOP III: tba
L-22 SOP IV: tba
L-23 SOP V: tba
12.30-13.00 Panel 5
L-19 to L-23 Ask the experts - panel discussion (Chairs Federica Bianchi)
13.00-14.00 Lunch Break, Poster Viewing, Visit the Exhibition, Networking
14.00-16.00 Session 8 Monitoring Real-World CBM Applications and Country Reports (Chair Aleksandra Kupferberg)
L-24 PEP: Leveraging Real-World Evidence for Advancing Cannabis-Based Medicinal Product Therapies
Garvin Hirt, Copeia GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
L-25 Reporting System MeCanna –Features, Challenges and Opportunities
Christian Werz, Federal Office of Public Health, Switzerland
L-26 Country Report USA: Evidence Review Supporting United States Policy Change
Amie Goodin, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
L-27 Country Report: Germany
Konrad F. Cimander, Wedemark, Germany
L-28 Country Report: Spain
Guillermo Moreno-Sanz, Khiron Europe, Spain
L-29 Medical Cannabis Regulation in Latin America: A Comparative Analysis
Sandra Carillo, Colombian Medical Association of Cannabinoid Medicines, Medellin, Colombia
16.00-16.30 Panel 6
L-24 to L-29 Ask the experts - panel discussion (Chair Aleksandra Kupferberg)
16.30-17.00 Coffee Break, Poster Viewing, Visit the Exhibition, Networking
17.00-18.00 Session 9 The Journey from Non-Medical to Evidence-Based Medical Cannabis (Chair Thomas Herdegen)
L-30 Questioned Evidence: Effectiveness and Harms in RCTs and Beyond
John Ioannidis, Stanford University, USA
L-31 Non-medical Cannabis Use: First Results from a Swiss Pilot Trial (Cann-L)
Frank Zobel, Addiction Switzerland, Lausanne, Switzerland
L-32 Hot Topics in Cannabis Research
Jürg Gertsch, University of Bern, Switzerland
18.00-18.30 Panel 7
L-24 to L-29 Ask the experts - panel discussion (Chairs Thomas Herdegen, tba)
18.30 Awards & Closing Remarks
Jürg Gertsch & Rudolf Brenneisen
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