Organizers & Conference Chairs:
Jürg Gertsch, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine (IBMM), University of Bern, Switzerland
Rudolf Brenneisen, University of Bern, Switzerland
Scientific Board:
Kristina Adorjan, University of Bern, Switzerland
Federica Bianchi, FAHPA & HUG, Switzerland
Thomas Herdegen, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Germany
Undine Lang, University of Basel, Switzerland
Paola Luciani, University of Bern, Switzerland
Simon Nicolussi, SGCM-SSCM, Switzerland
Joseph Tam, Hebrew University, Israel
Claude Vaney, Switzerland
Rudolf Brenneisen, Switzerland
Jürg Gertsch, Switzerland
Team IBMM, University of Bern:
Barbara Järmann
Kevin Rupp
Laurent Götschmann
Philip Meier
Jaap Roukens
Felix Huwyler
Media & Scientific Communication:
Aleksandra Kupferberg © All Rights Reserved